Ways to enjoy your corporate garden this Winter.

Winter doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your corporate garden in much the same way as you do during the summer months. In Durban in particular, Winter is hardly ever so cold that you can’t go outside and, as long as your garden is in tiptop condition, you, your staff, and your visitors can continue to enjoy it.

Here are three ways to enjoy your corporate garden this Winter

1. Keep meeting outside

Research shows that getting outside for leisure or work has a number of great benefits, including increased health and happiness. Don’t let a little chill stop your team from getting out into the fresh air or enjoying your beautiful outdoor space. Just be sure to keep comfort in mind – could you include a bespoke fire pit? Or add blankets and comfy chairs to your meeting space?

2. Don’t give up on team activities

Was Summer at your office all about outdoor yoga sessions or working in the corporate veggie garden? Keep the team activities going in Winter. Get your team composting, planting winter plants and veggies, or start a bird feeder project to help encourage beautiful birds to visit your garden space.

3. Keep an eye on your indoor garden

Modern corporate gardens can be often indoors. Think vertical gardens or indoor garden islands. Just as caring for your outdoor garden is must whatever the time of year, don’t neglect your indoor greenery, especially during the cooler months. Ensure indoor plants have adequate natural lightning and keep them out of drafts or very cold air by moving them closer to the centre of the room. Also make sure all potted plants enjoy proper humidity (place a cup of water nearby) and watering.

Need help caring for and maintaining your corporate garden? Get professional and expert help with the Ecobalance team. Whatever the season, we can help you create and maintain any indoor or outdoor green space. Call us and let us make the most of your commercial landscape, outdoor space, or indoor greenery.

Need expert help with your corporate garden? Download our brochure to learn about our services.