Garden Maintenance: Weeding my Garden

Garden Maintenance: Weeding my Garden

Weeds are a constant problem in a garden. Weeds are relentless during the  growing season becoming lethal during winter as they spill their seeds, making their eradication in summer a huge undertaking .They should be dealt with promptly by pulling them out or, if necessary, spray thoroughly with a specialised weed killer as soon as they appear and before they set seed.

Garden Maintenance: Peace of Mind

Garden Maintenance: Peace of Mind

Protect your investment by maintaining your garden adequately.

Installing a beautiful landscape requires a substantial investment. It is an investment that has more clout than its rand because it grows and increases in value with time, as long as it is nurtured and maintained adequately.

Garden Maintenance : Cost Effective

Garden Maintenance : Cost Effective

Maintaining your garden could be something you either love or hate to do. Either way, the fact remains that no matter how you feel about it, it is an integral part of being able to sport a lovely garden. I am sure you will agree that there is no better feeling on Earth than to walk into a well-cared for and presentable garden when you decide to have a spur of the moment braai. This, however, can only be possible if the maintenance of your garden is up to scratch!