Garden Maintenance: Tips
We all know how 'systems' can improve our office and home routine, so too our gardens. The very best garden maintenance tips I could give you would be to install some 'system' with your garden, number one being to get a reputable garden maintenance company to service your garden.
If you choose correctly, you will build a long lasting fruitful relationship with individuals who have been trained up to a high standard of garden maintenance in all its facets like mowing, weeding, pruning and disease identification. Secondly, install Jojo tanks and see it as an investment! This is vital as we live in a country that is water scarce, as is the case at the moment, and even when the back of this drought is broken, we don't know when the next dry spell will be around. With the Jojo tanks it's possible to harvest water from your roof when it rains, (free) or you can order grey for the purpose of watering and filling Jojo tanks. Thirdly, install an irrigation system, because even now if you have the irrigation system coupled to your Jojo tank you could be irrigating your garden with grey water. Even if you are an avid gardener yourself, these 'systems' will allow you the freedom to do the fun things, potter or landscape your garden as therapy, not hard labour.